We are still working on getting all the long beaks and nails groomed up. Everyone is on a regular shower schedule and everyone is eating great!
They have all been put on a healthy diet of vegetable, fruit, pellets, and tree nuts ... no seeds or peanut products. We are waiting for our order to arrive from A&E Cages so we finish getting everyone out of the old rusted cages.
Thanks to A&E for the awesome discount to support the rescue but it was still an expensive order. Of course we are still (and will always be) in need of donations to cover the expenses.
Setting up a rescue is no easy or cheap endeavor. We are projecting the first round of vet checks to be $20,000 for tests and exams. ALL of them will have x-rays and CBCs done and I'm sure you all know how expensive that is so multiply it by 63 birds and you will see the challenge we are facing.
We planned on starting the vet visits but our Vet had back surgery so we are waiting for him to return to work and we are trying to scrape together the money to get them all seen. In the meantime we have temporary lodging set up.