If your birds are like mine they'll pretty much eat anything with sweet potato. Here is a nice little recipe to add some variety to these lovely little gems.
1 large sweet potato, peeled
Pick any or all of the following:
1 tbsp unsweetened, dried coconut flakes (I chop mine small)
1 tbsp hulled hemp seed
1 tbsp chopped nut (any kind)
1 tsp poppy seed or celery seed
1 tbsp organic almond butter
1 tsp of nutritional or brewer's yeast (optional)
Cook the sweet potato; I steam mine in the microwave. Cut into large cubes and place in a bowl with a little water in the bottom, Cook covered for 2 min or until soft and drain.
Mix all dry ingredients together in a small bowl.
Add almond butter to warm sweet potato chunks and mash with a fork to desired consistency (some like it chunky and some like it smoother).
Portion out an appropriate size for the meal and sprinkle with dry mix before serving.
Store potato mash in fridge and use within 3 or 4 days.