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Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

Parsley is very high in Vitamin K; a whopping 574% of the daily recommended value depending on the serving size. Vitamin K promotes bone strength. The Vitamin K dominance is enough to make the 62% daily value of vitamin C and the 47% in vitamin A look small, but  the vitamin C content is 3 times more than in oranges, and the vitamin A augments the carotenes lutein and zeaxanthin, which helps prevent eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration.


The iron in parsley (twice as much as in spinach) is essential for the production of an important oxygen-carrying component in the red blood cells called heme. Copper is important because it’s required by the body for normal metabolic processes, but must be supplied through outside sources. The manganese in parsley contains super-antioxidant superoxide dismutase, and the folate helps form red blood cells and make up our genetic material.



  • Do not feed parsley to birds who are on an iron-restricted diet. 

  • Large amounts of parsley can result in anemia and liver or kidney problems.

  • Parsley might lower blood sugar levels. Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia); don’t give parsley to birds who have diabetes.

  • Parsley might cause sodium (salt) levels and this increases water retention. Since parsley might cause the body to hold onto sodium this could make blood pressure issues worse.

  • Don’t give parsley to birds with kidney disease. Parsley contains chemicals that can make kidney disease worse.

  • Parsley might lower blood glucose levels and could interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgical procedures. Stop using parsley at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

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