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Special Diet - Eclectus Parrots

"Don't Feed" ...

  • Manufactured pellets  

Since all manufactured pellets have added vitamins we try to stay away from them. Many Ekkie owners do feed pellets without issue but with the proper diet your bird won't need pellets. 


  • Artificial vitamin additives 
  • Bee pollen this is too much protein and has been linked to flipping and tapping


  • Word of Caution on Corn 


Corn is high in Vitamin B6 which helps the body make several neurotransmitters (chemicals that carry signals from one nerve cell to another). B6 is needed for maintaining healthy nerves and muscle cells, BUT ... too much B6 (pyridoxine) can irritate nerves. The most commonly irritated nerves from pyridoxine toxicity are the smaller peripheral nerves of the extremities (wings and feet).


This could produce numbness and muscle spasms that can may manifest in Wing Flipping and Toe Tapping. There are no definitive studies that conclude a correlation between corn and these issues but again, we like err on the side of caution and limit this ingredient to once in a while.


  • No Spirulina in any form

Spirulina is a great supplement for humans and is sometimes considered a super food for parrots but Spirulina is an algae and it contains large concentrations of nutrients and for this reason alone it should NOT be given to Eclectus Parrots.

"Do Feed" ...

  • Fruits

Make sure your Ekkie gets fruit at every meal. Tropical, pulpy, and fruits rich in Vitamin A are the best choices. Seeded grapes are okay and will be a favorite, they will probably pick out the seeds and leave the rest ...  one per meal is plenty. Grape Seed has many health benefits.
Have a read here: 

University of Maryland Medical Center


  • Good Seed Mixture 

Yes there are some and it's not the prepackaged grass seeds that are usually sold for parrots. Provide a teaspoon of equal parts mixed together: sesame, flax, chia, celery, milk thistle, hemp, and fennel sprinkled on top of chop. Not too much because un-sprouted seeds are high in fats, but they also provide key essential amino acids. The problem with seed has always been over-feeding them.

  • Quinoa - raw, sprouted, cooked is a source of key amino acids.
  • Nuts - tree nuts provide protein and fats 


Keep a handle on high energy foods and be sure you feed a well-balanced diet. Determine energy levels from nutritional information; the higher the sugar, carbs, and protein the higher the energy level.


Look up the nutritional values for yourself and make your own dietary decisions. Observe your bird's behavior and adjust as needed to manage hormones and aggression, and have regular blood tests done so you can actually measure your bird's health. If you have questions or concerns, work with your Avian Vet.

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